Identifying Cool Season Turfgrasses

These two videos from the Institute of Applied Agriculture at the University of Maryland, reviews the structural characteristics of a number of cool season turfgrasses.

Video One:
Kentucky Bluegrass -- Poa Pratensis
Annual Bluegrass -- Poa Annua
Roughstalk Bluegrass -- Poa Triialis
Perennial Ryegrass -- Lolium Perenne
Annual Ryegrass -- Lolium Mulilorum

Video Two:
Tall Fescue -- Festuca Arundinacea
Red Fescue -- Festuca Rubra
Hard Fescue -- Festuca Brevipila
Sheep Fescue -- Festuca Ovina
Creeping Bentgrass -- Agrostis Stolonifera
Colonial Bentgrass -- Agrostis Tenuis

Video One:

Video Two:
