Arizona Drinking Water: Ok for Ski hills, but not Golf!

Drinking water for irrigation of golf courses is a tough sell anywhere you go. Personally, I believe it should be for Ski hills too despite the threats of lawsuits. "Don't eat the grey snow" I say.

Some highlights from the Article:
"Skiers and business owners made strong requests in favor of drinking water to replace treated effluent for snowmaking. There is an ongoing lawsuit questioning the safety of using treated water that was formerly sewage to make snow.
Using drinking water would allow Snowbowl to avoid spending any more years fighting this lawsuit.

"To the Hopi people, water is precious. To use water unwisely is harmful to other people," said Hopi Chairman Le Roy Shingoitewa.
He later said the city of Flagstaff should not be considering asking for rights of way across Hopi land to tap water at Red Gap Ranch if it had all the water it needed for making snow and drinking.
"Right now, per our water conservation ordinance, it is prohibited to use drinking water for golf course purposes. How would you vet a new golf course that comes in that wants to use drinking water ...?" Babbott asked the city's utilities director.

The timing of the water sale, in a part of the year when most of the water goes into the aquifer, doesn't address the bigger picture, Babbott said. "We need to think of this discussion not in the 2- to 5- to 10-year window, but in the 10- to 20- to 100-year window," he said.

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