Managing Military Golf Courses by the "Green Book"

"The Green Book: Environmental Guidebook for Military Golf Courses" is a publication of the Center for Resource Management's "Golf & the Environment Initiative" and the Department of Defense's "Legacy Resource Management Program". Developed for military golf course superintendents, The Green Book assists them in improving the environmental stewardship of their courses.

It is designed as a step-by-step workbook leading to the development of an environmental plan for the course and the certification of the course at one of the three levels of achievement. It is not intended to serve as a “Best Management Practices” manual, but rather as a way of organizing a variety of management ideas and practices into a logical, across-the-board approach to overall environmental improvement.

As a supplement to the guidebook, the following video shows some excellent examples of the BMP's and strategies used by Military courses.

Want your copy of The Green Book? Go here.

