The free website Scribblemaps.com allows users to scribble, draw, measure distances and areas and place markers, pictures and videos on Google Maps. Yes you can do this with Google MyMaps, but you'll see a number of incredibly useful features not found on MyMaps.
Recently Turfhugger arranged for some Golf Management related icons/map markers to be made (Thanks to RHo Solutions and Rueben Butterfield, President of the Irrigation Industry Association of BC) that reflect the major environmental infrastructure of your typical golf course. Turfhugger has recently donated these markers for use on Scribblemaps (Thanks to Jonathan of Scribblemaps!) ...Results? A truly useful way to manage your projects with accuracy, communicate current projects in an easy to understand and accessible format.
I'm a true believer of the importance of communication through maps, and therefore Turfhugger is commited to creating new map markers to help golf course superintendents communicate their pest, tree, habitat, water and legal obligations.
(Note: This tool is not yet approved for use with the Ontario IPM Accreditation Program)
Besides environmental management, these maps can communicate directions to contractors, tournament layout, special event locations, neighbors who've filed noise complaints...anything!
It's pretty easy to get started, go to Scribblemaps.com and sign up for a "pro" account.
At the top left of the page will be a tool bar,
I've listed below some of the features you should know about...

- A Menu which has links to your file folders, importing and exporting options, Scribblemaps Blog and so on...
- Home, is where the heart of your account is!
- File Manager allows you to upload images, including KML's of your irrigation layout! SHP's or shape files, tend to shift a bit.
- Select allows you to edit your shapes, and access info found within your text boxes or Markers.
- Map Markers are small icons that can be placed anywhere on the map. You can attach text, image and video information to them to provide more detail on your subject. Turfhugger created some icons for golf courses, these include Gas and Diesel Storage Tanks, Fertilizer Storage, Pesticide Storage, Wash Pad, Surface Water Quality Testing, No Spray Zone, Irrigation Intake, Irrigation Control and Quick Coupler/Irrigation Head.
- Scribble Dimension tool allows you to measure the distance of a stream, cart path, buffer zone or any other non-straight line/distance.
- Polygon Dimension is probably the coolest tool of them all, you can draw a shape on your green, and measure the exact area in meters and feet! Very cool tool.
- ...and a whack of other useful tools including Undo, Redo, Move Map, Rotate, Erase, Cut Line, Insert KML, Full Screen, Paint Bucket (Fill), Pen Tool, Pen to Polygon Tool, Scribble, Draw Connected Lines, Single Lines, Draw Shapes, Draw Circles, Text, Add Image
You'll notice a few gadgets that let you adjust colors, widths, a search bar, and opacity adjuster (an extremely useful feature that allows your shapes to appear transparent, therefore allowing you to see what is underneath!).
Here's a great How To Video
How To Use Scribble Maps from North Fitzroy Primary School on Vimeo.
Okay, now that is really just the start of it. We'll have a few articles about how you can use this tool to communicate with consultants and contractors, but for starters let's look at this tutorial about uploading your map to Google Earth.
Check out all of Scribblemaps video tutorials here: