"Sustainability" Revisited

This past week I've heard "I hate the word sustainability" from four different people - Two from our industry, one from my family, and an old friend. When Turfhugger started off we tried to clarify this term, you can find input from a number of people in the golf industry here. To continue our understanding, here's a video, followed by some clarification care of the Natural Step Program.

From Natural Step:
The earth is a naturally sustainable system. However, the accumulated impacts of human activity threaten our continued well-being. Research by an international network of scientists defined three basic conditions that must be met to maintain the essential natural resources, structures and functions that sustain human society. They also acknowledged that human action is the primary cause of the rapid degradation of nature. A fourth system condition addresses the social and economic considerations driving those actions and our capacity as human beings to meet our basic needs.

