Black Sand and CITC

This coming Friday marks the opening day of the Canadian International Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show in Vancouver, follow show updates on twitter with #CITC2011. Check out the Pre-Conference Seminars, Educational Sessions and Vendors in the Trade Show. Some Turfhugger contributors will be at the show including myself, Darryl James, Jeff Mingay and even David Phipps will even be making his way up from Portland. 

I was speaking with one of the vendors the other day, Don Reynolds of Grass Roots Agronomics, about a very timely product - Black Sand. 

To put it simply, BLACK SAND offers superintendents a tool that can melt snow and ice, boost soil temperatures in the spring and fall to aid in the recovery of turf from disease, traffic, and even aeration, as well as increase the germination and establishment rate of newly seeded or sodded turf.  This is all done with an quartz sand that has been dyed black with a turf safe dye in order to maximize the suns energy.  
