Top 5 Ways to Reduce Sprayer Problems, Repairs & Downtime

Golf Course Sprayers - Top 5 Ways to Reduce problems, repair expenses & downtime.

Turfhugger would like to thank Andrew Greess for creating this list and allowing us to post on our site. Andrew Greess is a nationally published Spray Equipment expert and President of Quality Equipment Spray, a manufacturer of sprayers for Golf Courses and Landscaping. You can reach him at, or follow on twitter: AndrewGreess or find more tips at Spray Equipment Blog.

1. Use good filtration. 
Filtration is the source of more spray equipment problems than any other component. Be sure your filtration is properly designed for your use and application. For example, if you are filling your tank from a pond, you may need more thorough filtration than if you are filling from a hose bib. From an operational perspective, technicians should be checking and cleaning filters frequently. A clogged filter will starve the pump, which will eventually result in pump damage. A filter that is missing or too coarse will allow particles through, possible clogging hoses, fittings, guns and tips.

2. Clean it out. 
Debris from impure water, chemical falling out of suspension, trash, etc., accumulates in your spray tank. It is imperative that the tank be cleaned periodically to prevent this debris from finding its way into your system. This debris can clog filters, damage pumps, and clog hoses, fittings, guns tips.

3. Don’t run the pressure too high. 
In our experience, technicians turn the pressure up on their sprayers to try to get their jobs done faster. There are a couple of problems with this. First, higher pressure may cause smaller particle size, creating unintended drift. Second, continually running a system at high pressure will reduce the life of pumps, hoses, fittings, o-rings, gaskets, etc. Lastly, a burst hose at higher pressure is going to spill a lot more chemical than a spill at lower pressure.

4. Release the pressure. 
Techs should release sprayer pressure after each sprayer use and certainly before the sprayer is put away for the night. Leaving a sprayer under pressure reduces the life of rubber hose, o-rings, gaskets, etc. In warm climates, the ambient temperature will increase the pressure, putting more stress on the sprayer. In cold climates, a sprayer left under pressure is at great risk of freeze damage since the water has less room to expand.

5. Preventative Maintenance. 
Don’t wait for pumps and other golf course sprayer components to fail. Do the required PM during your slow periods to be sure the equipment is in good shape for your busy season. Waiting for a problem to occur then fixing it results in larger, more expensive problems and longer downtime during busy seasons.

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Cleaning out your system is critical. Allow chemical and other debris to accumulate will damage your equipment. To see photos of how this problem can cost you money, visit our Spray Equipment Blog,
