Snow and Wind Fence Resources

Wind and Snow Fence Fact Sheet
BC Ministry of Ag, Food and Fisheries
I know the installation of snow fencing can be  time/labor intensive, and just one extra activity to do in that last minute rush before the snow falls, but imagine if you could control where the snow collected on your course. Directing drifts towards or away from sensitive areas can prevent ice burn, prevent endless shoveling and plowing ($), reduce potential for erosion during spring thaw or away from those cool zones that are always the very last place for snow to melt in the spring.

I'll be updating and re-posting this collection of web resources to help explain the science behind snow fence planning, the different styles and techniques of temporary snow fences. If you use snow fences please post your experiences in the comment section below or send us a note.

This is by far the most comprehensive (and largest) how-to snow fence guide available on the net, by the Strategic Highway Research Program of the National Research Council. Everything you could possibly want to know can be found here.
Snow Fence Guide

This is a great little Fact Sheet reviewing wind and snow fence techniques. Great little diagrams to help visualize drift rate and build up.
Snow Fence Fact Sheet BC Ministry of Ag.

Effective Snow Fences - Federal Highway Administration 1991 - Video VH-286 - Part 1, Benefits, is intended for chief administrative officers and stresses the cost- effectiveness of snow fences. Properly constructed collector-type snow fences are briefly described, and significant cost savings and accident reduction are reported for a Wyoming installation. Part 2, Key Elements, is directed to technical and operational staff, but also stresses cost-effectiveness. Design elements are described in simple terms and guidelines are given for estimating wind transport of snow and required fence capacity, fence design, construction methods, installation, and placement.


i dont know if this will be much use to turfhugger readers as this poster is about living fences but i use the minnesota extension notes

We put a fence up on the driveway to drop the snow coming off our 16 and 17th because we still have a lot of functions through the winter. These are terific resources.

