For an updated list please see HERE.
Now besides playing golf, or pretending to drink a pint of beer, iPhones (and other smart phones) have the potential to change the way we manage turf and our time.
Sometimes I'm reluctant to post an article like this because things move so fast. But with that said, here are the top five iPhone applications applicable for Turf Superintendents right now.
Starting with # 5...
#5 - Chirp
Yes, an index of birds complete with photos, sounds and info about each species. Looks very basic, but how many times have you wondered what a specific bird was? I did find a number of news stories about future iPhone applications which plan on using recognition software for everything from wildlife, to trees. This technology will surely change iPhone app's of the future.
#4 - ConvertBot
Basic Application, but for those of us who do not have space left in our heads for conversion rates, this app will do it for you, remember it and so on.
#3 - PureSense will surely be #1 soon, but most Supers do not have the infrastructure capable of supporting the functions of this app. Checking your soil moisture levels and having control of your irrigation system while your on the other side of the planet is possible today with the combination of the PureSense app, a remote soil moisture system like the UgMo and having online access to your irrigation system (or someone at the turf office with a phone). Sounds technical, and it is. In fact I can't find any turfgrass managers/supers using it quite yet. However according to PureSense it is possible.
Right now you can receive "reports and charts summarize soil moisture, climate and irrigation system information to help guide grower decisions and provide a record over multiple seasons. A wide variety of simplified reports and charts can be viewed online, or received via email or on a cell phone."
#2 - Weather Bug
There are two version of this application, Free and the Elite which is not so free.
The free version comes with everything you would expect a weather app to come with plus zoomable temperature contour and satellite infrared maps!
The Elite version is pretty cool, comes with all of the Free stuff plus:
- Full radar animation
- Six additional map layers: infrared satellite, humidity, air pressure, wind speed, next day high and next day low
- 100% ad-free
- Live, local weather conditions and forecasts
- 7-day and hourly forecasts
- National Weather Service (NWS) alerts
- Daily national weather outlook video
- Radar maps with zoom feature
- View live weather cameras (up to 5)
- Time-lapse weather camera animation
- Fast access to unlimited saved locations
- Cached weather data for offline viewing
- Map auto-center function (US only)
- Temperature contour and satellite infrared maps
- Enhanced current conditions with 12 distinct observations
- Touch anywhere map technology allows user to "drop a pin" and view current weather conditions for that location
- Free access to updates and enhancements
#1 - Turfgrass Management is an application (iPhone, iTouch, and Blackberry) that provides pictures, information, and recommendations for grass species, lawn diseases, weeds, and insects. With plans to expand the app functions to provide pesticide labels and provide larger, regional and up to date databases this application should be on all superintendents phones.

Here are a few that didn't make the cut: MSDS App, Clear Standards (Carbon footprint gps app), Tree ID (helps ID trees), and MyBudge (a Budget tracking software).
I am going to try to install #1 this weekend when my son visits from college. How much does it cost? Where do I go to download it? Do I download it on my computer first? Or straight on to my I-phone. I do not really know how this thing works, kids made me get one.
Good article and excellent site. I have bookmarked it on my computer, I will try on my I-phone next.
Hi Dennis,
I think it costs about $10 a month, I think update it monthly.
Download on your iPhone.
Follow the link to buy it, or go to the iStore in your iTunes.
I wrote this post a couple of days ago and had it on a timer, in this time I found five more really good ones. These will be posted in a Top 15 or maybe even 20 in about a weekor so as I catch up on work.
I'm looking forward to your top 15 or 20. My son goes to PSU so I showed him turf hugger, he likes it and is going to show it to his friends . He downloaded turgrass management program for me. Its good basic information, I can see the benefit of having it available for new workers who dont know much about insects and disease.
I'm looking forward to your top 15 or 20. My son goes to PSU so I showed him turf hugger, he likes it and is going to show it to his friends . He downloaded turgrass management program for me. Its good basic information, I can see the benefit of having it available for new workers who dont know much about insects and disease.
Great suggestions, I have successfully used all of the top 5 applications!
Thanks for sharing Anonymous.
I've been putting off a top ten list as I keep finding more. Do you know of any other Apps you'd like to see on the list? I hope to have a finalized list soon for a re-post of this article.
Also, I've received two suggestions for a Blackberry specific list, this too is in the works!
In addition there are a number of great web resources accessible on any smart phone. This too will soon develop in to a top ten or 20 list soon.
Do you know when your going to post the other iphone apps? I'm getting anxious. I dont care about the other kinds of phones just the iphone.
Works poorly on HTC One X needs to have an update. Hope they do as had on old HTC and it was great!